Something wonderful - kindness to Waupun babies 

Consistent with scripture, science, and too many studies in the National Library of Medicine to list; plus
"They shall all be taught of God" John 6:45. Send suggestions or comments to

If you want to make Jesus and heaven happy, read this page. Then ask your pastor, priest, moms, grand-moms, moms-to-be, and church friends to do the same. In a perfect world everyone would have mastered this page by 8th grade so nobody ever has to explain to Jesus "why did you refuse kindness to a baby?"

Imagine that you are a baby just born, helpless. crying. You hope one of the grownups around understand this page. Your whole life depends on it. Does God have a plan to make you into a healthy beautiful American baby boy or girl? He must have because, as Jesus explained, He cares about "birds of the air" and "lilies of the field". Would He leave you out? 

If God has a plan for babies, who should teach it?  It can't work if nobody teaches it. Since it's not a business or government plan, but God's plan, why not churches? If a church is to teach God's plan it means pastors, priests, and elders have to know how it works. Otherwise, they might leave you crying when an "expert" comes along and says "let them cry, it's good for their lungs". Cruelty begins with ignorance. 

Now you wonder, do they know?  Do they care?  The easy way out for a church elder is to leave this all up to doctors who are trained the way drug companies, the FDA, and the CDC want them trained. Whew! That takes care of that. For a minute there I (church elder) thought I might have some responsibility in this. Now I can relax. The "experts" have it all under control, right? 

Not so fast - you're still crying. Is anybody besides your mother listening? That's God talking. "Out of the mouths of infants and nursing babies you have perfected praise" Ps 8:2. That's God at work. You're hoping that some who read this page care. Somehow you know that if mistakes are made there is no doing it over. You've got just one shot at a good start in life, but you're mostly helpless except for the lungs God gave you to cry your heart out hoping some big folks around care as much as Jesus cares. 

Those who care might wonder...

 How does God's plan work? 

First the obvious - babies from conception need moms and dads who are healthy so they can pass on their healthy genes, healthy lifestyles, healthy habits, and healthy love. This sets the stage not just for babies but also for everyone who depends on wholesomeness in life.     

Second, moms and dads to be healthy need clean air, water, and food as God makes it with a full complement of minerals and nutrients. This is only possible if food, whether from plant or animal, comes from chemical free non-GMO, rich, organic topsoil. Years ago, American topsoil was 20 thick and rich in elements and soil-based microbes as God makes them. Now, with chemical farming, American topsoil is 7 or 8 inches thick and missing elements and natural microbes with toxic chemicals thrown in that end up in food, water, and mother's milk. Helping babies to a good start in life begins at ground level with farms that leave the poisons out while putting the good in. This blesses everyone, planet included. 

Third, moms, dads, and babies need a medical system that values the miracle powers of colostrum and mother's milk to get a new digestion, a new immune system, and everything else off to a good start. It's not just about babies. It's also for moms. The luteinizing hormone that makes mother's milk contracts and restores her lower body to smooth out the wrinkles after childbirth.  That makes moms and dads too, happy. To that add the lifetime of blessings of maternal-infant bonding for mothers and babies. God thought of everything (say thank you). While all these good things are going on it's important not to mess up a life the day born with toxins injected before an immune system is strong enough to handle them. 

Finally, moms, dads, and babies all need men and women of God who understand and teach all of this, point by point, like pieces of a puzzle. Life works in wholes, not fragments. Whether a grain of wheat or truth, if a piece is missing the result is physiological, mental, moral, and ultimately spiritual decline and decay. Wholeness in life depends on the wholeness of the seeds planted. "A tree is known by its fruits. Do men gather grapes from thistles"?

The children of God cannot count on big business or big government to do God's work and plant the right seeds. It's up to churches. If they don't do their part everything falls apart. Then love of money and cruelty to babies and life take over. "Be merciful".   

 The End Result

The end result of honoring God's ways for healthy infancy and motherhood are a blessed infancy; a blessed marriage and parent experience; a blessed old age for moms and dads as their babies grow up wanting to return the love they received; and a blessed America. Who would not want all that? Imagine if teenagers learned this when learning about sex. Some might want to wait for sex until they are sure they can offer two healthy wed-for-life parents to care for the beautiful babies they will make following God's all-encompassing plan? 

God is not mocked. Every effect has a cause. Babies need men and women of God to step up and plant the seeds of kindness for babies with blessings for moms, dads, America, and everyone and everything thrown in. If adults in the room are MIA (missing-in-action) then comes the inevitable...

The dark side

If nobody guards the hen house the fox takes over. With no major institution guarding the sanctity of key relationships such as mankind with mother earth and the mother-infant relationship foxy people can get away with anything. Bring on chemical farming; genetically modified fake foods masquerading for real; junk food and drinks galore; industrial sludge with toxic heavy metals spread on farm fields as "fertilizer" and ending up on your dinner table; artificial sweeteners that disrupt the emotional center of the brain; for the depressed selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor drugs (SSRI) that take away any sense of caring or love so you can shoot others without feeling sorry for them; 100,000 or more manmade chemicals with cumulative effects never tested...the list goes on and on.

Look around America. It's not just 18% of the gross national product (GDP) for "healthcare" that's really sick care, far above some healthier countries. It's also about ADHD; autism; dementia; low intelligence scores; cancer; mental health; violence; elder abuse; divorce rates; and the "abomination of desolation" kids shooting other kids and teachers in schools. There are a million paths to ill, one pathway to wholeness.  Jesus called it " straight and narrow".

The dark side has its "science" too "but we have the mind of Christ" 1Cor 2:16. Besides His words about "birds" and "lilies" Jesus said of little ones"Their angels do always gaze upon the face of My Father Who is in heaven". For offenders “It was better if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he be cast into the sea”. On His words "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away'. On who to believe "By their fruits you shall know them".

Something else 

Read A Gospel of Kindness to little ones (click) to see how much the LIVING Christ cares.

How healthy is America? Nearing the Unthinkable Scenario of
1 in 2 Children with Autism in the U.S. (links below)

Nearing the Unthinkable Scenario of 1 in 2 Children with Autism in… – The Vaccine Reaction

Almost No Americans Have a Healthy Lifestyle (


National Library of Medicine

Use link below to search the National Library of Medicine for millions of studies that document the power of biomolecules made by God to "treat, mitigate, cure, and prevent disease". Search under "lemon and cancer" or "apples and cancer" or "frankincense and cancer" or the three herbs Jesus said were valuable enough to be used to "tithe" in Matthew 23:23 - dill, mint, cumin. Search for just about any food or herb "and cancer". You can spend a few lifetimes reading it all.  

 If you eat bread read this 

 Power of a Whole Grain

Poem to save the planet

Goodbye Aches and Pains Part 1


Goodbye Aches and Pains Part 2


QUESTION: What major factor in your first year of life determines if you will get cancer at age 70? Find the answer in Part IV of the Nutrition-for-life kit manual.  Hint - it has something to do with maternal-infant bonding.