God's Three-part Cure for Cancer
Jim LeBeau Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner
GOOD NEWS! God has hundreds of cures for cancer that work with the three-parts "cure for cancer" formula below on this page. They all work in two ways.
#1is by the power of chemicals found in just about every food and herb made by God that inhibits or kills cancer cells. Look this up at pubmed.gov (Natural Library of Medicine). Search under "lemons and cancer" or "apples and cancer" or any of the "Jesus herbs" frankincense, myrrh, dill, mint cumin (Matther 23:23) or any other food and herb "and cancer". You will find so many credible studies it would take ten lifetimes to read them all.
#2 is by the power of lifestyle to maintain or restore normal cell respiration and strong immunity. For that all body fluids need the right pH and body temperature so enzymes can work with maximum power in digestion and at the mitochondrial (cell) level to produce energy. Without basic systems in balance the cancer-killing chemicals in foods and herbs may just go down the drain literally. This applies to anyone at any age, cancer or not, as taught in a Nutrition-for-life kit. See the homepage of this website for details on body systems balancing.
On normal cellular respiration, Dean Burk, a top cyto-chemist at the National Cancer Institute, agreed with Warburg:
“There has never been a cancer cell in the history
of the world that has had normal respiration”.
Two-time Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg in 1962 also said: “The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar".
Today the “Warburg effect” is generally recognized but few tell you what to do to help cells in your body breathe normally. Big pharma has a focus on genes. That helps to sell drugs which takes “cure” out of your hands and into their hands while some cells in your body may be trying to just catch their breath! With RFK Jr. heading HHS that may change. Meanwhile below is the three-part formula to beat cancer or just to feel better and avoid aches and pains.
Jesus set the example of "heal thyself". What you can learn to do for yourself may be more important than what someone else can do for you. You, God, and your doctor have to work out how to balance God's ways of healing with modern medicine. Meanwhile below is a three-parts “cure for cancer” formula automatically customized for each unique body by the self-testing and self-learning process taught in a Nutrition-for-life kit.
1 -Oxygen UP (pH balance); 2 - Sugars down; 3 - lifestyle fix
LIFESTYLE FIX: move more while improving whole food nutrition,
digestion, and addiction issues that diminish cell energy;
pray hard; forgive, cry, vent as needed; add patience and love.
Details on how to balance pH, digestion, sugar, and other key body systems are in the Nutrition-for-life kit manual. Major factors to support normal cell respiration are:
Oxygen - Mayo clinic reports “Heart cancer is extremely rare”. Not so with hard to the reach parts most susceptible to cancer like breast, prostate, colon etc.
The pH connection: Oxygen depends on hydrogen ion levels (pH) in body fluids to control speed and power of enzymes and rate of chemical reactions. That's why Arthur Guyton M.D. in Medical Physiology calls pH “one of the most important aspects of homeostasis”.
Sugar connection: High blood sugar inhibits oxygen while feeding cancer - double whammy!
Breast cancer: Risk goes up if not breast feeding because God's way brings oxygen rich red blood to breast tissue and takes out the garbage to relieve congestion and avoid mutations.
Digestion: Gut microbes make the B vitamins needed for completion of the healthy breathing and energy cycle in cells. Balance your digestion.
Move! Oxygen to the far-out parts only gets there with a strong heartbeat since micro-capillaries are so tiny oxygen rich red blood cells must slip through sideways. RBC clumping (Rouleau effect) adds to the problem.
Power of love and mother-infant bonding: Lack of a beautiful mother-infant bond may lead to more cancer later - see Part 3 of Nutrition-for-life manual for “The Cause and Prevention of Cancer” and “nine years without losing a patient”.
Otto Warburg on ways of stopping cancer: “They may be realized by everybody, anywhere, at any hour. Unlike the prevention of many other diseases, the prevention of cancer requires no government help and no extra money”.
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