"And of His fullness (wholeness) have we all received, and grace for grace" John 1:16

"I have come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly" John 10:10

"For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are"1Cor 3:17

We need three kinds of food to be whole in body, mind, and soul. 
Get these right and you can be whole, and help to make whole, fulfilling a commandment to "Heal the sick". 

#1 is food for the mind, the "seed" - is everything you read here or elsewhere.  Our minds are the "ground" that God works and reworks while pruning us throughout our lives. It may hurt at times but the end result is growth and heaven. Plant the right seed (words of Jesus) and good fruits follow. The right seed is "incorruptible seed" as Peter explained 1Peter 23. We won't "see" the end result, but we can feel it. There is no way to hide from love. 

#2 is food for the body - is as important as the others because it physically constructs body and brain by which our minds work. Function depends on construction. This is especially relevant to babyhood as you will learn in the "Babies" page. Getting food or nutrition right is the key to body and brain construction and function at any age. The "fruit" is a healthy life and a healthy old age as those in "blue zones" enjoy. This goes beyond avoiding aches and pains. Dying peacefully in sleep is part of the deal.  How we age and die depends on choices we make as individuals, and choices we make collectively as a culture. 

#3 is food for the soul - is all about truth and love and all the fruits that go with them including the power fruits. Patience is a power fruit. We patiently wait for an apple or tomato to ripen so we may enjoy the full sweetness and full measure of antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients as God patiently awaits our ripening. This reminds us that all plants depend on rich fertile soil, something missing in chemical agriculture and in any culture that doesn't understand seeds, fruits, and wholeness. Please read the "Babies" and home pages if you haven't already done so. It will help you put the pieces of the puzzle of wholeness together for yourself and others. 

May God bless your efforts to find wholeness of body, mind, and soul, and to help others, as we all strive for the pearl of great price, the wholeness of Christ. 

Free to download Wholeness of Christ 16-page booklet 

Something else 

Part 1 below is for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of America's journey down a path of mental and developmental disorders, cruelty to babies, and life not making sense.    

    Cry Baby Cry Part 1    

Part 2 shows a pathway to healing now and heaven later. "With God all things are possible".

Cry Baby Cry Part 2

The article below describes a revelation of the living Christ in 1978 consistent with John 14:21

A Gospel of Kindness to little ones (click)